Hair Loss

The most common type of hair loss seen in women is androgenetic alopecia, also known as female pattern alopecia or baldness. This is seen as hair thinning predominantly over the top and sides of the head. It affects approximately one-third of all susceptible women, but is most commonly seen after menopause, although it may begin as early as puberty. Normal hair fall is approximately 100-125 hairs per day. Fortunately, these hairs are replaced. True hair loss occurs when lost hairs are not regrown or when the daily hair shed exceeds 125 hairs. Genetically, hair loss can come from either parents side of the family.

The most common causes of hair loss are: Physical stress: surgery, illness, anemia, rapid weight change. Emotional stress: mental illness, death of a family member. Thyroid abnormalities. Medications: High doses of Vitamin A, Blood pressure and Gout medications. Hormonal causes: pregnancy, birth control pills, menopause.

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